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How to run an ssh server on kubernetes

Let’s say you’d like to run a pod on your cluster that accepts incoming ssh connections. (There are various reasons to do this — I have one application planned for an upcoming post.)

It’s actually quite easy to just run sshd in a container and mount a public key file as /root/.ssh/authorized_keys to allow a user with the corresponding private key to ssh in as root.

It’s a little trickier, though, if you want to allow ssh access without allowing root access.

The main issue is that a non-root user can’t launch the ssh service, so you can’t simply run your pod as a non-root user. And [right now, as far as I know] you can’t mount a file with a different owner than the security context of the pod. But the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file needs to be owned by its own corresponding user in order for the ssh service to accept it…

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How to move a WordPress blog to kubernetes

WordPress has been a popular blogging/website platform for decades, which means that there are a quite a number of old WordPress-based websites out there. But if you’re hosting one on a VM, it can be difficult to scale it, to maintain it, and to update the look without breaking it. Kubernetes to the rescue!

Cloud Native best practices recommend a clean separation among executable code (in the container), configuration (in the kubernetes manifests), and data (in the database and/or mounted volumes). But WordPress was first designed before the widespread use of containers — so, unfortunately, the code, configuration, and content data are all jumbled together in the filesystem.

Ultimately deploying WordPress on kubernetes is quite doable — and enforcing the separation of components (code/configuration/data) makes it easy to deploy as many copies as you like, which simplifies maintenance and scaling (compared to running it on a VM). But the standard WordPress docker images need to employ some ugly hackery to get the code and configuration into a writable volume for it to work — so the initial setup can be delicate.

If you would like to migrate an existing WordPress blog/site to kubernetes, you will need the following:

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Read-write-many volumes on LKE with NFS

When deciding whether to use Linode as my kubernetes provider, I needed to ensure that I would have read-write-many volumes available for deployments that need them. So I did a quick search, and the only thing that came up was this guide on setting them up with rook — which is deprecated. Not cool.

On other cloud providers, I created read-write-many volumes using a Network File System — so I wondered if I could do the same on Linode. Answer: yes. And it’s actually pretty easy and works well. Here’s how:

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